​Sunday Worship Service
9:00 a.m.
Online Giving
Online giving is available for Grand Ave UMC Offering. Click the donate button on this page for further instructions.
What to Expect
When you visit a new place you may become nervous. We have tried to minimize this by providing visitor-marked parking, quality childcare, and smiling faces. Nervousness will also diminish with time -- time to discover and be discovered, to know and be known. That is the cry of every human heart.
It is our deepest desire for you to feel comfortable and welcomed.
Sunday Worship - 9:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room of Grand Ave UMC
Our worship service is casual. We meet in the Fireside Room. The service includes time for worship, prayer, offering, and teaching, averaging an hour in length. Child care is available for infants to five years of age at the beginning of each service. Children, kindergarten through sixth grade, have Children's Church which starts in the service and excuses the kids at the offering time. The youth, seventh through twelfth grade, worship with the adults. We serve communion on the first Sunday of the month.
Pastor - Dennis Hutson
Dir. of Children's Ministry - Melody B
Admin. Assist. - Janice C
Treasurer - Beverly F
Grand Avenue Children's Ministries
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young...1 Tim 4:12
Train a child in the way he should go . . . Proverbs 22:6
Welcome to Grand Avenue Children's Ministries. As believers, we are called to care for the little ones in our midst. One way we do this is to train them using God’s word. We are passionate and committed in helping our youngest members experience the message and love of Jesus Christ. We provide fun bible based curriculum, games, and service events to foster their future as disciples and as positive role models in our community.

Grand Avenue has a rich history that goes back all the way to June 19, 1899 when the congregation was organized as the Emanuel Church of the Evangelical Association. The Evangelical Association was founded in 1800, by the Rev. Jacob Albright, a German-speaking Christian native of Pennsylvania, influenced by John Wesley and the Methodist movement. The original congregation held services in German in Porterville.
In 1946, the Evangelical Church merged with the United Brethren in Christ to form the Evangelical United Brethren Church. This body, in turn, united with The Methodist Church (US) in 1968 to form the United Methodist Church.
Due to denominational mergers the name of the church changed several times until 1968 the church took on its current name Grand Avenue United Methodist Church.
The church continues to hold fast to the dreams and purposes of its founders that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and the foundation upon which it stands.
While history and heritage is important and gives us a rootedness it does not restrain us from our desire to be relevant to current society, to boldly proclaim the Gospel to the lost and to be a place of healing for those who need a special touch of grace.
Have a wonderful day, and again, thank you for your visit!
Thank You For Visiting Us !
Mon - Th: 9am - 1pm
​​Friday - Sunday: Closed